L to R Back row: Vedant, Yashi, Aakash- Front Row: Rim Jhim, Pooja (Aakash's siter, guest for the day) Tanisha and Ayush
These pictures were taken just before we left for ITPL. They were very excited because of the trip we were about to undertake, they were wearing the T shirts they partly created and the sun hats they made for themselves. They totally owned the project!!
What did we, as facilitators expect this experience of visiting the famous landmarks in the city of Bangalore, to generate in these children??
These were/are our thoughts and aims..........
Kindling their curiosity, inculcating love of learning and thinking and questioning minds.........That every place has something to offer if only we care to observe and absorb!!
Revti and I have decided to make the whizz cubz explore/experience some of the Habits of mind. This we tried to this achieve through various activities based on MI (Multiple Intelligences.) We concentrated on the processes rather than the results.
Because when we want a 'good result' or 'expect a certain outcome' then the process through which children went through to achieve a 'unique to their ability' result is totally lost. What we certainly concentrated is on what these children have learnt out of that particular experience/event/episode. And then as facilitators we too whole heartedly were involved and enjoyed these sessions.
Succeeded in creating a 'fun filled, learning atmosphere' to which the cubz simply loved to come back to!!
These were some of the Habits of mind we explored with the help of a concept called "JOY EXPRESS" - Basically on Travelling and Tourism.
Some of The Habits of Mind we aimed to inculcate are....
Planning Time management Team work Following rules Effective Communication Creativity Responding Thinking independently and interdependently Responsibility Learning through questioning Decision making Cooperation
As part of their learning these concepts, the Cubz did research on Bangalore city. They zeroed in on Bangalore city's three famous spots. And the biggest thing and most exciting is that they were going to shoot the DOCUMENTARY FILMS on their trips to these places.
The six cubz were made into three teams.
Team one - Vedant and Tanisha - Chose ITPL (International Tech Park Limited) in White Field. This trip was undertaken on 18.11.06 - which is DISCOVERY PART-I.
Team two - Yashi and Rim Jhim - Chose the Bull Temple in Basavan Gudi, Bangalore - This trip was undertaken on 25.11.06 -Which is DISCOVERY PART-II.
Team three - Aakash and Ayush - Chose the St.Mary's Basilica on Queen's road, Bangalore-This trip was undertaken on 2.12.06 - Which is DISCOVERY PART - III.
The planning that has gone in to take up these exciting trips.
- Going through the entire Bangalore city's famous land marks and finally zeroed in some of the very interesting spots. It was a difficult task to choose when you have so much of choice.....but they managed this difficulty! There was a lot of discussion/arguments as to which famous place should be visited first. And finally as a team they could arrive at a single decision. This was really heartening! This was decision making and team work!
- The respective teams did research on ITPL, Bull Temple and St.Mary's on the Internet Written down their understandings/findings within a stipulated time. This was Planning, time management, responsible and responding to a need!
- Made presentation in the Whizz Cubz sessions to the rest of the team members, either by speaking or drawing or writing. This was Effective Communication and creativity and Interpersonal activity!
- They prepared a Questionnaire so that they can ask/interview people in those places, which reinforced their learning. This was thinking independently, interdependently (have to involve the younger team member!)
- Contributed to Creating their own 'WHIZZ CUBZ' T shirts. (All their hand prints!!) This was Co-operation and Team work!
- Made their own 'SUN HATS' This was total creativity!
- Made their own ground rules before going on these trips so that these trips are safe and productive. This was responsibility and following rules!
- Acquired the skill of operating a video Camera to shoot the documentary film. This was responding!
.....................GET SET AND GO!!
November 18, 2006
The Tall ones from L to R: Vedant, Yashi and Aakash. The lil ones from L to R: Ayush, Rim Jhim, Pooja in the pink jacket and behind her is Tanisha.
By the time we reached White Field, where the ITPL is situated it started raining heavily. We waited for the rain to reduce and then took our umbrellas and left for the Mall at ITPL. The being Saturday it was less crowded. And security being very high they did not allow us to shoot pictures or movie inside the premises. So we went around trying to understand the lay out and it certainly was huge. Its not something we can capture in a two hour visit of a single day. If we have to assimilate and come to a proper understanding of the place we will have to return again and again.
The following are pictures we could shoot after stepping out of the premises. These are glimpses of the gigantic ITPL which houses several buildings which are very imaginatively named like, Inventor, Explorer, Discoverer and Creator!

Rain drops on the lens......Pl.dont mind!!
ITPL-View from the windshield of the car on this rainy day!
25th November, '06
We all assembled at whizz cubz premises at 1.30 pm and set off to see the famous Bull Temple. This was Yashi's and Rimjhim's project and they updated us on the vital information on the temple. They also kept the questionnaire ready so they can ask somebody at the temple for the information they want to further acquire.
Vedant could not join us because it was his school annual day. Tanisha too could not join for she was down with fever.
'We missed you Vedant and Tanisha'
So off we went. Here are some wonderful pictures we clicked at the temple.

Entrance to the Bull Temple - Two granite horns

Faizal with Cubz - L to R: Yashi, Rimjhim, Ayush and Aakash
Faizal - Answered all the questions that the children asked him about the temple, very patiently. He is a book vendor who sells books about the temple, tourists spots and the information books about the city of Bangalore. He sits just out side the Bull temple. Thanks Faizal for your kindness and time!!

Aakash shooting the documentary on the bull temple.
It was a very enriching experience for us at Whizz cubz.
A note to the parents of these Cubz......
Dear Parents,
Revti and I will present the documentaries shot by the cubz in CDs to each child. Once again we remind you that please do not concentrate on the end product but the process of learning itself. We have opened another exciting window for them i.e of video shooting and we never know who will walk this path to earn a name for themselves in this field. They simply were enjoying the learning process and the ideas were flowing. That's what is important. That they are thinking, feeling individuals.
We respect and appreciate them.
Thank you for your co-operation and for trusting us with your children.
It means a lot to us. :)
With warm reards
We will be updating this post with our third visit to St.Mary's Basilica very shortly......
Happy Whizz Cubbing!!
Revti and Arundhathi
WOW! Reading through the entire experience of planning, organizing, creating the lovely T-shirts and the sun hats.....the excitement of finally visiting the three landmarks......I kind of am so proud of the little ones! I am a tad bit home sick too! :)) Great job Whizz Cubz! Am proud of ya' all! Hugs!
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