Multiple Intelligences-WORLD FAMOUS PEOPLE- Their 'dominant intelligences'
Isn't it amazing to know that we are actually 'gifted' with 'Multiple Intelligences?'
- Then we ought to value the process of learning as much as the end result of learning. To survive is to create options.
- Educators who insist on the 'right' answers are ignoring the very qualities that have ensured the survival of the human race.
- Humans have thrived because of their willingness to experiment and adapt. They did not always go by 'Tried and true' answers.
The Following are the eight intelligences.

Multiple Intelligences (MI) impact learning curriculum. Traditional schooling heavily favours verbal-linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences. Children whose dominant intelligences are these can fare very well. But what about children whose dominant intelligences are not these?
Hence Gardner advocates instructional methods which appeal to all intelligences including role playing, musical performance, cooperative learning, reflection, visualization, story telling and so on.......
Surely this will make learning less stressful and more fun!
Will talk about the ninth one -existential intelligence, in a little while........
Here's something interesting! World famous people and their intelligences.........
1. Mahatma Gandhi The statesman/leader who united an entire country.
People Ability- 'Interpersonal Intelligence' The power to interact with and understand people. It includes the capacity to perceive and be responsive to other peoples moods, temperaments, intentions and desires. They have the power to step into the shoes of another person's shoes and view the world from their perspective.
2. William Shakespeare is the grand literary figure of the world. During England's Elizabethan period he wrote dozens of plays which continue to dominate world theater 400 years later. Shakespeare handled high drama, romance and slapstick comedy with equal ease.
Language Ability- 'Verbal Intelligence.' The power over words.These are the journalists, poets, story tellers and world leaders who allow us to see a view of the world through their words. These gifted people can use their words to argue, entertain, inspire or instruct.
3. Wayne Gretzky With the title of "greatest player in National Hockey History", he is the brain surgeon of the Hockey rink.
Body Ability-'Kinesthetic Intelligence' The power over the physical self.These people possess a great ability to control their body movements and hold objects with expertise, skill and precision. They also think kinesthetically and can imagine physical experiences in such a way that it allows them to come up with creative physical ideas.
4. Stephen Hawking The world's most renowned theoretical physicist was the first explain about black holes.
Logic Ability The power over numbers. These people can reason and think in terms of cause and effect, create hypotheses and understand numerical patterns, not just in math but in life. Its all image less, abstract, conceptual way of thinking. These people simply experience a feeling of the relationships of numbers or ideas or have a certain knowing of why something works.
5. Maqbul Fida Husain is recognised as an artist who is constantly innovating and experimenting with new ideas and media. The most recent being cinema using Bollywood superstar Madhuri Dixit and pop star Madonna as his source of inspiration to create yet another vocabulary in the world of art.
Picture ability - 'Visual/Spatial Intelligence' Power over pictures and images. These people have a very precise sensitivity to details and can visualize, draw or sketch their ideas graphically. They can also easily orient themselves within a 3D space. This person sees things that others are likely to miss. He is recognized as an artist who is constantly innovating and experimenting with new ideas and media.
6. Julia Butterfly Hill lived 180 feet high in the canopy of an ancient redwood tree called Luna to help make the world aware of the plight of ancient forests. Julia, with great help from steelworkers and environmentalists, successfully negotiated to permanently protect the tree and a nearly three-acre buffer zone. She came down to a world that recognized her as a heroine and powerful voice for the environment.
7. Amjad Ali Khan was all of 6 years old when he gave his first recital of sarod. It was the beginning of yet another glorious chapter in the history of Indian classical music.
Musical intelligence These people have the ability to recognize tonal patterns and sounds, as well as a sensitivity to rhythms and beats. It encompasses the capacity to recognize and compose musical pitches, tones, and rhythms.
8. Intrapersonal Intelligence This intelligence includes ability to think about thinking. (Meta thinking!) The person likes self assessment, reflection, planning. Enjoys doing tasks in solitude, uses intuition often. They know their strengths and weaknesses (self aware.)
Some renowned people under this category are Socrates, Eleanor Roosevelt and Bill Gates.
9. Existential Intelligence This is the 9th and the most recent addition to the list of above mentioned intelligences.
The power to conceptualize the nature of the world around us and our place within it. These people have the ability to sense and understand that there is a much deeper world around them in terms of the significance of life, the meaning of death, the fate of the physical and psychological worlds and such profound experiences as love or art.

So we can now perhaps safely conclude that the purpose of education is to recognize and develop these intelligences in individuals and help them reach their goals that are appropriate to their spectrum of intelligences.
When this is achieved, self confidence is up and so is love of learning!!
Its now time for educators and parents to quit asking 'how smart are you?'
But to ask 'in what ways are you smart?
Happy Whizz cubbing!!
Revti and Arundhathi
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